
Uniform policy

Troop 323 believes that a uniform is an essential part of the scouting experience. We ask that all scouts and adult leaders work to obtain a full uniform.

No scout will ever be excluded because of a lack of uniform. If the price of a uniform makes scouting difficult for your family, please discuss your options with either the Committee Chair or Scoutmaster.

Pieces of the Uniform

Scout short-sleeved, tan-colored shirt— This is often referred to as the Class A or field uniform. This uniform is worn to most meetings and events

Scout short-sleeved, t-shirt - This is often referred to as a Class B or activity uniform. This is worn under the Class A uniform and is also worn to most non-formal events. 

Scout dark forest-green shorts— Worn with either the Class A or Class B uniform

Scout dark forest-green webbed cotton belt with BSA steel-gray metal buckle 

BSA dark forest-green, "CoolMax" low-top socks

Footgear—Any shoes with soles suitable for running and playing. Dress shoes are not recommended. Sandals, Crocs, or flip-flops are not allowed.

BSA merit badge sash Merit badges are sewn 3 across. The sash goes over the RIGHT shoulder and left hip.

Uniform Pieces - Several patches are provided by the troop. You will need to purchase a council patch, purple World Scout Crest, and olive shoulder loops.

Where to purchase

Official BSA Scouts shops - Unless otherwise noted below, most pieces are available at BSA-owned or BSA-approved scout shops. 

Online: Scoutshop.org is the official online scoutshop.

Local Scoutshop: Our local BSA-owned store is located in Apopka, FL. 1951 S Orange Blossom Trail, Apopka, FL 32703 

Camp Shop: Camp LaNoChe has a small scout shop with essentials. The store is only open during certain events. Call before visiting

Local Store: The Ace Hardware on Babcock in SE Palm Bay has a selection of scout uniforms and pieces

Ebay: Ebay sometimes has good prices on uniform shirts and shorts.

Scout Closet: The troop maintains a collection of used items, Selection is limited and varies based of donations

Items Available from the Troop - 

Class Bs - Troop shirts are available from the troop directly for $10 each. It is recommended to have at least 2 shirts.

Troop Numerals - One 323 patch on the left shoulder is provided by the troop. Additional patches are available for $3 each

Patrol Patch - Scouts receive one patrol patch when joining the troop or when changing patrols. Patches for additional uniforms may be available for our cost.

Position Patch - This is given to the scout when they obtain a position in the troop


The troop has connections with an amazing seamstress who will sew on your patches for a low cost. Please ask for information

Constantly sewing new patches to scout shirts can be time-consuming while quick adhesive options often leave unsightly residue which spoils the uniform appearance. While not required, many members of the troop use a reusable velcro system to easily update the Class A uniform. Pieces are available at www.thegoosescache.com