Become an adult leader
Become a registered Leader
Check our "Adult Leadership Positions Page" to find positions that interest you
Complete YPT Training. This can be completed by creating an account at
Create an account.
Take the three Youth Protection Training courses and the test at the end.
If you are not already a registered leader with another unit, skip to the next step
Sign on to your account
Select "My Application" on your home page
Go to the "Transfer/Multiple Applications" Tab
Under your name select the Multiple box
Search Troop 323
It should pull up "Troop 323 Holy Trinity Episcopal Church Riverside 09." Make sure you select the Girls troop
Answer all of the questions and then click "Submit Multiple Registration."
Your application will be sent for approval. Allow up to 7 days for it to become active.
You are done. You do not need to follow the next step
If you are not currently a registered leader, follow these steps
Make sure that you completed the Youth Protection Training First
Copy and paste this link into your browser*1qe77b*_ga*MTMxMjAwMTg0NS4xNjkzNTA2MDgw*_ga_61ZEHCVHHS*MTcxMjc4NDU0Ni42MS4xLjE3MTI3ODUzMzUuNjAuMC4w*_ga_20G0JHESG4*MTcxMjc4NDU0Ni44MC4xLjE3MTI3ODUyNDcuMC4wLjA.&_ga=2.74814482.1034387672.1712784543-1312001845.1693506080
Click Adult
Complete the application and make the payment
Once completed your application will be sent for approval. Allow up to 7 days for your application to be accepted.
Youth Protection Training
To be fully trained and to serve as a leader in the troop you must be fully Youth Protection Trained. A document with information on how to obtain the training is available at: