Adult Leadership Positions

Adult Leadership Positions

Adult Volunteers

Our Scout Parents are always welcome to attend the monthly Committee meetings. Your input is always of value and may be helpful in making our Troop expand its horizons. New thoughts, ideas, and even your help on committees will help our Troops to grow. We can always find a position within the adult organization of the troop to match with any adult’s skills, abilities, and availability.

The adult organization of Troop 323 consists of two distinct components: the Troop Committee and the Scoutmasters (sometimes referred to as committee and program). The Troop Committee supports the Scoutmasters in their mission of delivering the Troop’s Programs.  The Scoutmasters are responsible for oversight and delivery of the Troop Program.

Troop Committee

Currently, the Troop Committee consists of a Committee Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, Advancement Chair, Chartered Organization Representative, and Standing Committee Members. The responsibilities of each of these committee positions are outlined below.


The Scoutmasters oversee the daily/weekly activities of the troop and ensure the Patrol Leader Council is providing an appropriate program for the troop.

Youth Protection Training

To be fully trained and to serve as a leader in the troop you must be fully Youth Protection Trained. A document with information on how to obtain the training is available at: